Friday, February 7, 2020

Case study - knowledge management strategy Essay

Case study - knowledge management strategy - Essay Example The key emphasis is on the sustainable environmental management intention of MOTO. The raw information on environment friendly strategies from the staff of different nationalities is ensured to be collected and scientifically analyzed by the proposed knowledge management system. The proposal also covers the peculiar measures to be taken so that the knowledge is stored and retrieved as per the requirements. The market performance of the company, the staff participation, their consensus, cost factor, time factor and the conceptual adherence with the key policies of the company are other key factors which have to be taken care of during the implementation process. While considering the formulation of strategies, a sustainable approach has been followed in each level of the implementation. The company’s responsibility towards the environment and the society has been well understood and addressed. The technologies recommended for knowledge management within the environment of MOTO is thus environment friendly and community oriented. Latest innovations in the knowledge management systems which uphold these values have been carefully selected. To formulate the strategy for the change process, it is important to review the background information on the company pertaining to its policies and past performance. MOTO, all through its 35 years of market records, have stayed true to the ethical side of business while having excellent sales performance. The company has always maintained promising employment conditions. The corporate social responsibility always had been a priority for the company. MOTO has developed a work environment which is quire friendly with the environment. The paper free work procedures, the recycling procedures, waste management strategy, sustainable utilization of resources, compliance with environmental policies all has helped the company to have a responsible approach towards the environment. Despite the increased efforts, the production

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