Monday, January 13, 2020

The world

There are too many parts In his recordings that do not make sense that lead me to my decision. The accounts of Pocahontas are a major factor that many say make Smiths works not credible. When John Smith was kidnapped by the King of the Photostat Tribe, Pocahontas' dad, they were about to kill him then and there. Side note: they kidnapped Smith just to kill him instead of ailing him during the battle between Smiths men and the Native Americans.Why would they spear Smith's life after they killed all his men? Anyways, right before the King & his men were about to kill him, weapons drawn, this young girl Jumps in and shields Smith from the men. â€Å"Pocahontas with no appeal or petition got his head in her arms and laid her own upon his o save him from death. † She happened to be the king's daughter. She was so brave that she risked her own life Just to save a stranger that was an enemy In her father's eyes. But John Smith does not give us any time of season why Pocahontas did th is for him because when Pocahontas covered him they didn't kill him.Later in the story he records how after he was released, Pocahontas was providing him with food and other things so he wouldn't starve to death. But yet again Smith doesn't record why she is doing this for him, making a reader like me suspicious about his credibility. Maybe she had a crush on him but I don't think they were secretly in love because she was probably too young for him. Throughout Smiths writings in â€Å"A General History' & his accounts of Pocahontas, e makes mostly everything seem to not be his fault.He doesn't tell us or explains to us the wrong decisions he made that lead to his close encounters with death. He makes It seem like he was o innocent. He was proud, arrogant, and boastful, writing in 3rd person about himself, removing himself away from the narrative. He TLD care about the other tribes around his area, stealing food and necessities from them. Even though it was for the good of his own colony or group of people, it still isn't right to steal from others and sin like that, then go on to write about Religion and how people should go about it in the â€Å"New World. Most likely the other tribes will fight back. I question if Smiths recordings of Pocahontas are real because how can Smith get kidnapped & released all because a girl he never met shielded him. Pocahontas saved him and now he gets to go? Why didn't the king search for him? It's funny because Smith refers to the king as a devil and refers to the Native Americans as â€Å"Barbarians. † How was the King the devil if he spared your life and traded with your colony In the future?I think Smith was captured then released on a deal that was dad between him and the King, probably a deal to help the Photostat tribe out because Smith was a smart resourceful man. I don't know why he had to put the Pocahontas story into his recordings instead of just telling the truth, because that accounts of Pocahontas in hi s 1607 recordings, but he mentions the Photostats. It wasn't till his 1624 recordings 20+ years later, that he mentions Pocahontas long after she died. So now we don't have any witnesses or any accounts from Pocahontas about what really happened or if the story is fabricated and never actually appended.I believe Smiths accounts in â€Å"A description of new England† are credible. He drew maps for future colonies and focused heavily on religion, encouraging people to come to the New World. But I do not think he cared about any of these things. He probably wanted people come to so he could make money by promoting the World, because maybe somebody was paying him. He probably sold the maps he drew to the people he was recruiting to come to the new World. To conclude my paper I tell you again that I do not believe that John Smith was a reducible writer.If he explained the things that happened in the Photostat tribe more thoroughly, I think I would have a change of mind about his c redibility. Why would a young girl who is a stranger to Smith save his life twice for no reason? Why wouldn't Smith explain why she does these things? The king released Smith and later became friends with him, why? That makes no sense. A normal person would be confused as am while reading this. As I said if one story isn't believable, it makes me question all his other accounts of what happened. The World The world’s biggest software maker felt that it had been robbed, so much so that they posted a high-level summary of 235 patents that were allegedly violated by Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), including the Linux Kernel, Samba, OpenOffice. org, and others . Microsoft does not play when it comes to patent infringement, but did they have a case? †Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ So if Microsoft ever sued Linux distributor Red Hat for patent infringement, for instance, OIN might sue Microsoft in retaliation, trying to enjoin distribution of Windows.It's a cold war, and what keeps the peace is the threat of mutually assured destruction: patent Armageddon an unending series of suits and countersuits that would hobble the industry and its customers. † (Parloff may 28, 2007). Shortly after that, Microsoft entered into a series of three contracts with Novell, one of which was a patent agreement that basically said, â€Å"Don’t sue us and we won’t sue you. † So now the qu estion is â€Å"At the time of the scenario, some dire consequences were predicted for FOSS. How has FOSS fared since then? † From what I have researched so far FOSS generally has still faired fairly well through the whole ordeal.The GNU still viewed as a pinnacle for open source software and distribution. The Deal with Novell was made to walk around the GPL of the GNU and expose loop holes for Microsoft’s gain but also creating a pressing dilemma for the GNU. The deal struck between Novell and Microsoft was a â€Å"we don’t sue you and you don’t sue us† which indicates that not only was FOSS involved in patent infringement but also Microsoft. The Deal included over 200 million dollars to Novell and 43 Million to Microsoft for â€Å"license distribution† of Novells’ Server software.Linux has grown from its earlier days as a fringe operating, evolving more and becoming more wide spread as a use for servers. What impact have these event s made since then, or will they make? The threat of a lawsuit had little if any impact on the free open source market at all. People continued to download just about anything these days. Why you ask? It simple, FOSS has good quality codes that can be changed, shared, copied at will, and downloaded. It's adaptable and it can be tailored to perform almost any large-scale computing job and it is almost crash proof.Software that is free is good to anybody no one can deny that. Many individuals that used open source applications on their smart devices, as well as large companies which use these applications for daily activity for their need in their company. FOSS is great for everyone because it can be shared, copied, changed and of course downloaded. FOSS is not going anywhere just for the reason being that it’s free. Has FOSS been hurt, helped, or neither? Big corporate companies have been changing their philosophy on open source software since Microsoft posted their findings in 2006.Major corporations like IBM, Oracle and Google have been using FOSS. They are big allies to FOSS so in my opinion I think it has helped them because then other small companies that actually look up to these powerful corporations would later start using FOSS. When something is starting to being used and downloaded on a constant basis, this means it’s becoming popular and it is in high demand. So it has helped them since then. Free software is great, and corporate America loves it. What in FOSS’s or Microsoft’s actions against FOSS has changed since then?Microsoft actions towards FOSS since then allegations were published is to get paid, the company is trying to still get royalties from developers that use FOSS. After the deal between Novell and Microsoft, Novell continued getting open source software getting their royalties and charging for them instead of being free. Microsoft did not sued FOSS but are lobbying their hardest (unsuccessfully I might add) in getting most of the large corporations to not join or ally themselves with FOSS. Bibliography Parloff, R. CNN Money, â€Å"Microsoft Takes on the Free World. † Last modified may 28,2007. Accessed July 29, 2012. http://money. cnn. com.

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