Saturday, October 19, 2019

U.S History 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

U.S History 1 - Essay Example After Columbus’ discovery of the New World, the entry of the wide variety of globally acclaimed luxury commodities in the European markets through the sea route stopped the earlier market of the luxury goods that was prevailing. The pre-existing German and Italian trading powers were ousted by the Atlantic trade. There had been social changes in the European luxury markets as the new luxury items like chinaware, silk, spices and sugar made their entry. During the Age of Discovery, Western Europe has been had become the Economic Center for the European Union shifting from the Mediterranean. At that time the city of Antwerp, which was a part of Duchy of Barabant, was considered to be Europe’s richest city and also center of the international economy. During the Age of Discovery, the religious sentiments, gave rise to the discoveries at this age. It was seen that while the Islamic community was expanding its horizon, the Western Christendom was getting destroyed. European Union became vulnerable and they feared to be attacked by infidel East. It was also agreed and known by the Europeans that the Far East was highly rich and luxurious. If we take a deeper look into these discoveries, we find the similarities with the Crusaders prevailed during the 12th and 13th centuries. The main effort in spreading the belief of Christianity among the New World residents was mainly started by the Catholic Church during the Age of Discovery. The Catholic Church also took the initiative of converting the indigenous people as well as the Native Americans. Portugal, France and Spain were the three countries that put the colonial efforts in forming the European powers, majority of which was the missionary effort and gave a partial justification for the same. Catholic nations’ colonial efforts and indigenous people’s Christian Mission ran in parallel. Moreover, Dominicans, Jesuits, Franciscans

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